Cactus for skincare? Here's what you need to know

Cactus Skincare
Cactus are a unique plant; they're prickly, they have spines and they grow in the desert. But did you know that the cactus is also an excellent source of oil for skincare? Cactus seed oil and aloe vera extracts contain powerful antioxidants that can help protect your skin from environmental damage and premature aging.

What is prickly pear seed oil?

Prickly pear seed oil is a natural emollient, humectant, and regenerative. It's also rich in fatty acids and antioxidants. This makes it perfect for use on dry skin or as an anti-aging treatment.

The benefits of prickly pear seed oil for skin.

There are many benefits to prickly pear seed oil for skin, including its ability to reduce inflammation, promote cell regeneration and repair, and protect the skin from harmful UV rays.

Prickly pear seed oil is rich in fatty acids that can help hydrate and protect the skin from dryness. It’s also a natural anti-inflammatory because of its high concentration of oleic acid (a type of monounsaturated omega-9 fat). The combination of fatty acids makes it one of the most effective natural ingredients for soothing dry patches or irritated skin.

In addition to nourishing your complexion from within, prickly pear seed oil has been shown to be effective against some common bacterial strains such as staphylococcus epidermidis (staph) and pseudomonas aeruginosa (pneumonia). In fact, when researchers tested this extract on human cells grown in lab dishes, they found it was more effective than antibiotics at fighting off these common infections!

Beauty prep with prickly pear.

There are plenty of ways to use prickly pear oil in your skincare routine, and you don't have to be a desert dweller.

  • Dry skin: The oil's fatty acids, nutrients and antioxidants make it a great moisturizer for all skin types. Try a few drops on dry patches or just as an extra boost during winter months and windy days. (Note: Although the prickly pear is native to Arizona and New Mexico, there are other cacti that can also be used for their fruit or juice.)

  • Sunburn: Applying the oil after sun exposure will help alleviate pain while soothing redness—especially helpful if you're prone to peeling after burns!

  • Acne: Pimples? Use coconut milk or olive oil as an overnight mask; add 2 tablespoons of prickly pear pulp; leave on overnight; rinse off in morning with warm water (or use right before bed). This concoction has antibacterial properties that help fight acne-causing bacteria while moisturizing your face at the same time! You can also add several drops of prickly pear essential oil directly into your cleanser or use it in place of witch hazel extract from any recipe calling for rosemary extract.

How to use aloe vera in your skincare routine.

Aloe vera can be used in a variety of ways to improve your skin. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • To use aloe vera in your skincare routine, look for products that have good reviews and have been proven effective. Some brands of aloe vera gel include Proactiv and Dr. Hauschka. You can also find this ingredient in serums, moisturizers, cleansers, masks and other forms of skincare products.

  • It's important to note that not all aloe vera gels are the same quality. When shopping for a new product with this ingredient, make sure it is made from pure aloe vera leaves so that you're getting the best possible results from it!

  • You can also use aloe vera as part of an at-home hair care regimen by applying a thin layer underneath conditioner (you'll want about half an ounce). Leave on for 5-10 minutes before rinsing out completely so that none remains behind when washing later down the road!

  • Finally: don't forget about using

Extracting aloe vera from the plant.

To extract aloe vera gel from an entire leaf, you can simply cut off one end of the leaf and peel it back like a banana. The gel will be on the inside of the leaf. You can also use this method to extract juice from a whole peeled leaf by cutting it into smaller pieces and squeezing out all of its juices using your hands or a cheesecloth. Alternatively, you could just squeeze out some of your own fresh aloe vera juice!

To get oil from an aloe vera plant (instead of just making purer versions), start by taking off all leaves on top of each stem before cutting them in half lengthwise through their center (so they're four times thinner). Make sure they're thoroughly dry before doing this so as not to hurt yourself when slicing them open later on after adding water—and make sure not to cut too deep into one side where there might be some liquid left inside still!

Once open up your newly sliced halves again so that they look like rectangles now instead

Beauty prep with aloe vera.

Aloe vera is a common ingredient in beauty products, and it’s becoming more popular as an all-around skincare fix. But what exactly does aloe do? Aloe vera makes your skin smooth and soft, but it can also be used to treat sunburns, treat acne or blemishes, reduce redness or inflammation of the skin, calm down irritation caused by dryness or allergies (like eczema), and more.

Here are three ways you can use it:

  • Prep your face for makeup with this natural alternative to primers—no nasty chemicals involved! Apply some fresh aloe vera gel directly onto your clean face before applying foundation. Some people just like the way their skin feels when they put on foundation over top of freshly-applied aloe gel; others say that using aloe reduces redness or inflammation in their faces so they can wear less makeup because they don’t need as much coverage anymore.* Before going outside on a hot day (or into another type of heat), apply some fresh aloe vera gel onto your clean face instead of sunscreen so that you won't get burned as easily.* If you have dry patches on any part of your body—like feet—try rubbing fresh aloe gel into those areas every night before bedtime; rinse off any excess after letting sit for about 30 minutes

Cactus oils and extracts can be great additions to your skincare routine, but look for quality, sustainably-sourced products for the best results.

While cactus oil can be a great addition to your skincare routine, it's important to look for quality products that are sustainably sourced. Also make sure that the product you're using isn't tested on animals and isn't made with animal-derived ingredients. If you're looking for cruelty-free beauty products, look for ones that are vegan as well.


Cactus oils and extracts are gaining popularity in the skincare world for their unique benefits. They’re rich in fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamin E and more—all of which help keep your skin looking fresh and vibrant. With so many options available on the market today, it can be difficult to know which one will work best for you or your skin type. That’s why we recommend sticking with products that have been carefully formulated by experts, like those found at our store!


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